Tinkering with Billable-Hour Requirements

By Kristopher A. Nelson
in October 2007

200 words / 1 min.
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WSJ Law Blog - Tinkering with Billable-Hour Requirements: In the perpetual race to recruit new attorneys from top law schools, mid-tier firms are feeling squeezed. The biggest firms recently increased starting salaries for first-year associates to as high as $160,000, and they’re recruiting more and more attorneys each year. So what’s a mid-tier firm to […]

Please note that this post is from 2007. Evaluate with care and in light of later events.

WSJ Law Blog – Tinkering with Billable-Hour Requirements:

In the perpetual race to recruit new attorneys from top law schools, mid-tier firms are feeling squeezed. The biggest firms recently increased starting salaries for first-year associates to as high as $160,000, and they’re recruiting more and more attorneys each year. So what’s a mid-tier firm to do? At least three firms, none of which have matched the big-firm base-pay increases, have taken aim at a staple of big-firm life that’s long been an object of derision for big-firm associates: the expectation that they bill at least 2,000 hours a year to stay on a partnership track.