Technology and social media alter recruiting and job seeking

By Kristopher A. Nelson
in June 2009

300 words / 2 min.
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NPR brings us some useful new “rules of the road” for those seeking jobs in today’s economy - I think this goes for lawyers as much as anyone. Just remember, while technology has altered some parts of job seeking and recruitment, the broad essentials (a good resume, networking, research, preparation, interview skills) remain the same.

Please note that this post is from 2009. Evaluate with care and in light of later events.

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NPR brings us some useful new “rules of the road” for those seeking jobs in today’s economy – I think this goes for lawyers as much as anyone. Just remember, while technology has altered some parts of job seeking and recruitment, the broad essentials (a good resume, networking, research, preparation, interview skills) remain the same.

Hiring managers say they stay clear of candidates who make these digital job-seeking mistakes:

  • Not having an updated profile, with recommendations, on sites like LinkedIn or similar sites relating to your line of work
  • Having a husband-and-wife e-mail address
  • Having an AOL address. Some executives say those are very outdated.
  • Not doing extensive research about the company, its culture and the position you’re applying for
  • Not filing your resume digitally, even if you bring paper backups
  • “Cold” e-mailing executives with whom you’ve never made a prior connection, either online or in person
  • Asking an executive you’re hoping will hire you to be your “friend” on Facebook

via Job Seekers Find New Rules Of Recruitment : NPR.