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Open-access policy flourishes at NIH

Image via Wikipedia Open-access policy flourishes at NIH : Nature News: One year on, advocates of free public access to scientific literature are calling a law that requires researchers at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) to make their manuscripts publicly available at the PubMed Central repository a success. At the same time, the […]

April 2009 / 2 min.

Electronic texts and rent-seeking publishers

Frightful Kindle | TPM: Finally, only a few months ago, I purged a decent chunk of my collection. And most are now in storage. But in our living room we have two big inset shelves where I keep all the books I feel like I need or want ready at hand. And last night, sitting […]

April 2009 / 2 min.

Indian Biogenerics on an Upswing

’ Image via Wikipedia Patent Baristas >> Indian Biogenerics on an Upswing: Indias pharmaceutical industry caters to about 30% of the world’s generic requirements. Despite its tremendous volume, it has been facing difficult times recently, with the WHO stance on counterfeit drugs, as well as seizure of Indian generic shipments in the EU. There is […]

April 2009 / 2 min.

Bad Results for Google in Recent 2nd Circuit Ruling Over Keywords

Bad Results for Google in Recent 2nd Circuit Ruling Over Keywords - Law Blog - WSJ: In an opinion penned by Judge Pierre Leval, a three-judge panel ruled that Google must face a trademark infringement lawsuit for selling keywords that trigger ads. Click here for the Recorder story. An interesting development. Basically, Google was selling […]

April 2009 / 1 min.

Will the Internet Replace Universities?

Image by Wonderlane via Flickr Will the Internet Replace Universities? | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine: Via Brad DeLong, an article by Kevin Carey in the Chronicle of Higher Education starts with the obvious – the Internet is killing newspapers as we knew them – and asks whether the same will happen to universities. Kevin […]

April 2009 / 2 min.

Computer Programming and the Law: A New Research Agenda

Image by PanelSwitchman via Flickr Computer Programming and the Law: A New Research Agenda | Freedom to Tinker: By my best estimate, at least twenty different law professors on the tenure track at American law schools once held a job as a professional computer programmer. I am proud to say that two of us work […]

April 2009 / 2 min.

SSRN Papers Dealing with IP, Development and Innovation

Image via Wikipedia The Patent Lottery: Exploiting Behavioral Economics for the Common Good by Dennis Crouch Lotteries are immensely popular. Players are willing to give the organizer a large monetary cut of every ticket purchase in return for a chance at a jackpot. In some ways, our current patent system operates as a lottery as […]

March 2009 / 3 min.

Got an Hour? Create a Server in the Cloud

Image via Wikipedia From the “keeping up with technology” department comes this: Got an Hour? Create a Server in the Cloud - ReadWriteWeb: Dave Winer yesterday announced EC2 for Poets, a step-by-step guide to help you create a server on Amazon’s EC2. His how-to is so easy to understand that we had our own server […]

March 2009 / 2 min.

Strict International Patent Laws Hurt Developing Countries

Strict International Patent Laws Hurt Developing Countries, an article in YaleGlobal from 2002 by Amy Kapczynski: In 1998, 39 pharmaceutical companies filed a lawsuit against South Africa. They hoped to stop the government from producing the generic drugs that would have made treatment affordable for the country’s AIDS victims. A public outcry ensued, and critics […]

March 2009 / 2 min.

Do Patents Stimulate R&D Investment and Promote Growth?

Patent Law Blog (Patently-O): Do Patents Stimulate R&D Investment and Promote Growth?: As background material, this post reviews the sizable body of empirical research analyzing the impact of patents on R&D investment and economic growth. Three future posts will present new empirical research featured in our book Patent Failure. The theme across all four posts […]

March 2009 / 2 min.