On the Supreme Court, the Federal Circuit, and Patent Law

By Kristopher A. Nelson
in October 2007

100 words / 1 min.
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Michigan Law Review - An Online Symposiumon the Supreme Court, the Federal Circuit, and Patent Law: This symposium takes place against a backdrop of three recent Supreme Court decisions-KSR v. Teleflex, Microsoft v. AT&T, and eBay v. MercExchange- affecting patent law. It asks whether these cases, considered together, represent a recent upheaval in patent […]

Please note that this post is from 2007. Evaluate with care and in light of later events.


Seal of the United States Court of Appeals for...
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Michigan Law Review – An Online Symposiumon the Supreme Court, the Federal Circuit, and Patent Law:

This symposium takes place against a backdrop of three recent Supreme Court decisions–KSR v. Teleflex, Microsoft v. AT&T, and eBay v. MercExchange–

affecting patent law. It asks whether these cases, considered together, represent a recent upheaval in patent law and redefine the relationship between the Federal Circuit and the Supreme Court, as some commentators have suggested.