NIH Open Access Continues to be Attacked

By Kristopher A. Nelson
in April 2009

200 words / 1 min.
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Image via Wikipedia Marketplace: Publicly funded research for a price: Publicly funded research doesn’t seem so public when the public has to pay to read the results in a journal. A proposed law would help publishing companies preserve their business models, but it would limit public access to the research. Publishers continue to resist the […]

Please note that this post is from 2009. Evaluate with care and in light of later events.

Logo for PubMed, a service of the National Lib...Image via Wikipedia

Marketplace: Publicly funded research for a price:

Publicly funded research doesn’t seem so public when the public has to pay to read the results in a journal. A proposed law would help publishing companies preserve their business models, but it would limit public access to the research.

Publishers continue to resist the open-access movement, it seems. This Marketplace (as heard on public radio) report does a decent job of laying out some of the issues. The comments are worth reading as well.

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